Clinician-Patient Communication for Virtual Video Visits - Premises
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This introductory module provides the premises for why effective communication skills are even more critical for successful patient encounters during Virtual Video Visits. For the full module, please select the Institute for Healthcare Communication Clinician-Patient Communication to Enhance Health Outcomes for Virtual Video Visits (CPC for VVV).
Reasons why you should enroll in this IHC series:
- Virtual video visits are here to stay! In addition to ensuring continuity of care and safety for all, they are convenient, flexible and time-efficient for patients and providers.
- Improve patient satisfaction: Learn about the foundational skills in the E4 communication model that help patients to feel seen, heard and understood, and to participate in decision-making.
- Expand your clinical communication toolkit: Strengthen your communication skills and acquire new tools and techniques to make virtual video visits optimally effective and efficient.
- Gain telemedicine confidence: Learn technical and communication skills to address common telemedicine challenges and apply nonverbal techniques to enhance your patient interactions.

Michael R. Marks, MD, MBA
Consultant and Speaker
Dr. Marks is an innovative problem solver who brings more than 30 years of practical experience to each engagement. He draws on his broad leadership experiences as a clinician, administrator, and physician executive when working with clients. He fully understands the need for collaborative relationships to achieve success and create win-win solutions.
Read more about Dr. Marks HERE.

Dwight W. Burney III, MD, FAAOS
Dr. Burney retired after 34 years of orthopedicpractice in New Mexico. For more the past 14 yearshe has been a communication skills trainer for theInstitute for Healthcare Communication.
He has served the American Academy of OrthopaedicSurgeons in multiple roles - as Chair of the Board ofCouncilors, Chair of the Membership Committee,and Chair of the Communication Skills MentoringProgram. He also served served for three years on theAAOS Board of Directors as well as the Patient SafetyCommittee.
Dr. Burney graduated with a BA degree in BiologicSciences from Stanford University. He returned to hishome state to attend medical school at the Universityof Nebraska Medical Center. His surgical internshipat the University of Missouri was followed by anorthopaedic surgery residency at the University ofNew Mexico and an orthopaedic trauma fellowship atthe University of Washington. He was certified by theAmerican Board of Orthopaedic Surgery in 1983.
He was a founding partner in New MexicoOrthopaedic Associates, the largest orthopaedicsubspecialty practice in New Mexico. He also servedas President and Treasurer for the New MexicoOrthopaedic Association.