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On Demand Bundle 1: Office Procedures - Document and Code Them Right + Avoid Denials! Code Hospital Services Correctly! + Office E/M Coding for Surgeons- ACS

  • Registration Closed

Cost: $495
Office Procedures—Document and Code Them Right
Total Runtime: 60 minutes

Please note: CEUs for Office Procedures - Document and Code Them Right expire on 5/31/2024

Coding for procedures done in your office depends on understanding the criteria for the procedure supported by surgeon-friendly templates to capture essential documentation. Surgeons commonly excise lesions, perform biopsies, and do laceration repairs in their office and other outpatient settings. Often, EHR templates fail to prompt you to document key information to support the code. When insurers ask for records or you file an appeal—the missing details result in no payment. This session walks you through examples of solid documentation for office procedures and appropriate use of modifier -25 and discusses diagnosis coding that establishes medical necessity for the service.

Learning Objectives
  • Document office procedures based on the CPT requirements
  • Select the correct codes for office procedures
  • Be confident when to bill for both an office visit and a procedure and use modifier -25
Avoid Denials! Code Hospital Services Correctly!
Total Runtime: 88 minutes

Please note: CEUs for Avoid Denials! Code Hospital Services Correctly! expire on 3/31/2023

Please note: CMEs for Avoid Denials! Code Hospital Services Correctly! expire on 2/25/2023

This 88-minute virtual course helps you to code hospital services correctly and avoid denials.

When surgeons treat patients in the Emergency Department, on observation and inpatient units—code selection and documentation are key. In order to be paid, you need to select the right type of service (category of code) and level of service describing the care you provided and documented. Selecting the wrong type of service leads to denials. Selecting the wrong level of service can lead to audits or under payments. While observation and inpatient services can be based on the key components or time, ED visits must be coded based on the key components. Learn when it is beneficial to use time in code selection, and how to document it. Join us to learn what you and your coders need to know about correct coding for hospital E/M services.

Learning Objectives
  • Determine the correct category of code
  • Know when to use time to select the level of service, and how to document
  • Select the level of service based on history, exam and medical decision making
Office E/M Coding for Surgeons
Total Runtime: 90 minutes 

Please note: CEUs for Office E/M Coding for Surgeons expire on 3/31/2023

Please note: CMEs for Office E/M Coding for Surgeons expire on 2/25/2023

One year later we look at the problems and solutions in re-configured outpatient E/M codes.

This 90-minute virtual course analyzes the CPT E/M guidelines that apply to office new and established patient visits, presenting them in a distilled, understandable way. We’ll break down and explain the restructured elements of Medical Decision Making and Time and demonstrate how they are applied using example scenarios.

Learning Objectives
  • • Identify the three elements of Medical Decision Making for Office and Other outpatient visit
  • Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes.
  • • Describe when time can be used for code level selection
  • • Differentiate between types of problems addressed
  • • Understand how data reviewed and analyzed is counted
  • • Distinguish level of risk as it relates to code level selection

Course Access and Expiration

You will have access to this course for 90 days from the day you purchase it.

Should you have questions, please contact us at  
